Thursday 7 July 2016

Thunderbirds are go! Well, Gove's gone.

Thunderbirds are go! Well, Gove's gone. Brains : F.A.B. Well, that didn't go entirely to plan.

Wednesday 6 July 2016

Blah, Blah, Tony Blair

Blah, Blah, Tony Blair,
have you any bombs?
Yes Bush, yes Sir
Three planes full;
One for Syria
And one for Iraq
And one for Afghanistan
He gives not a fuck.

Corbyn gains another 100,000 members

The Labour Party has gained 100,000 new members since the EU referendum, taking it up to around half a million members.

Image from: London Economic

Sunday 3 July 2016

Alistair Campbell & Peter Mandelson

Alistair Campbell and Peter Mandelson put 'their' heads together and solved the Labour leadership impasse.

Saturday 2 July 2016

The Brexit referendum

The remainers cry for another referendum, rock, scissors, paper and two out of three and a return to the status quo. It's as if Brexit stole their foie gras goose complete with golden eggs. Let’s close our eyes, stick our fingers in our ears, and loudly sing la, la, la, la, la. We’ll walk the streets of Shangri-La rather than the green fields of La La Land.

Remainers, in a binary howl, accuse Brexit of racism. That’s essentially the argument: I voted Remain and am therefore not a racist. If that’s the single reason for voting remain, buy a badge. Equally: I only voted Brexit because I am a racist, get a tattoo.

There is no status quo. ‘Carry on regardless’ and hope is not a solution to the European Union’s problems. The people of Europe are shouting at the top of their lungs but the politicians have firmly pushed their fingers in their ears and cry, “I can’t hear you.” But people do see and hear. They are choosing not to vote for, or listen to, established politicians.

The right-wing are on the march all over Europe. The answer isn’t, “Oh, it’ll go away.” It won’t. The EU desperately needs fundamental reform. The EU commission would take a remain vote as an endorsement and would continue with their plans claiming a mandate. The EU is a market. As in any bargain, once the customer buys the product haggling ends.

So we rerun the referendum and remain win. This could work if the EU doesn’t think their threats changed public opinion – and if the institution is capable of intelligent introspection. But if we continue as if the referendum was just an aberration, we’re in for a crude awakening. The march of Jackboots will cross Europe, as it is here; hoping the right won’t seize power in Europe isn’t an answer. It takes just one charismatic leader; the mainstream media can publish their complaints but a determined and disrespected people will ignore that cry, as they did with the referendum. What happens when the far right seize control of the European Parliament? To wish it won’t happen is to travel hopefully and without an idea other than ignore the problem. We’ve done that. The cry, “I don’t want to change,” resolves nothing. Europe will change. It is changing now and not for the better. Austria’s right have called and won the right to rerun their election . . .

It could and should have been different. A few tweaks here and there were all that was necessary Re: Labour. But of course, Cameron and Company droned their anti-welfare fodder as if it were Holy Writ. Companies, sign contracts, hire, and bus workers from Eastern Europe to Britain. The EU insists the host country honours those contracts. No doubt £3.50 sounds tempting to many a Rumanian. Employers bleat he/she can’t find the workers. And the mantra: Doing the job the Brits won’t do. Not only do the workers of the host country see their wages slide as they have to compete against people willing to undercut their pay, they are accused of laziness and suffer welfare cuts too. They can’t take the jobs. It doesn’t pay their bills. The support for migrants and refugees has fallen on the shoulders least able to support them. And now they’ve dared ask, “What’s in it for me?”

Nothing, as people have to use food banks while in full-time work. But carry on. It’ll go away if you refuse to look.

It’s an oversupply of labour, squeezed into a stable housing market. The market determines lower wages and higher rents. Capitalism is now a mutation of its old red in tooth and claw standard. We have socialism for the banks and corporations, and ruthless Darwinism for those at the bottom of the pile. There’s no reason for supply and demand to apply in this new Corporatocracy – so we’re told! But the markets have and will decide outcomes. That’s why we now have families living in garden sheds. Still if you’ve hired a cheap plumber, nanny, or electrician it appears on the surface wonderfully cosmopolitan and multicultural. Open that shed door, your eyes, and look. Remove your fingers from yours ears and listen to the grumble. Unless, of course, the EU now deems sleeping twelve to a room as aspirational.

The far-right won’t disappear. The right have stolen the march and seem better able to harness the justifiable anger of those punished and ridiculed for the plight inflicted on them. It is insufficient to respond the EU protects workers’ rights. Those regulations do not apply for the many who freelance or those on zero hours contracts.

The latest insult heaped on Brexit voters supporting immigrants by sharing their pay, their housing, and food, is they are most likely, fat. No one’s yet published a chart showing Brexit voters don’t bathe, but I dare say publication of that statistic is imminent. Love everyone – until someone steals your goose. Remainers don’t love people, or difference. They care about an ideal. But look, touch and listen? No, thank you. There’s no reason, under those condemnatory remarks, ‘innocently' juxtaposed against the ill-educated statistic to think otherwise. The fat slur demonstrates nothing more than loathing and fear of the lower orders by the bourgeoisie. They have proved just as capable of dislike, generalisations, and oversimplification of which they accuse Brexit voters. There is no reason to suppose the far right can’t and won’t use those beliefs and prejudices to their advantage.

Remain have shown they will revile all those who aren’t like them, don’t agree with them, or who they deem inferior. This isn’t an insurmountable difference between remain and the right-wing message. Remainers distaste is as similar and is just as generalised as those who are xenophobes and racists. The far right must be crowing. Once people accept that others aren’t worthy to vote, the right wing has won. And remain have already tolerated that message.

Now they rail against democracy. “Democracy has failed us. Stupid voters.” That sounds like a far-right battle-cry. But then I don’t have my fingers in my ears.

No one is responsible for his or her birthplace, class, nor gene pool. 

Love Europe not the EU.