Saturday 18 January 2014

Cameron, help for hardworking people!

Mr Cameron's favourite phrase, 'hardworking people.'  
"This Party is on the side of hardworking people."
"As the economy grows and jobs are created this means more security for hard-working people."
“Ask those hardworking people whose trips to work are quicker and smoother ..."
 "Real help for hardworking families on their energy bills..." etc, etc.
So if you are 'hardworking' he'll help you! But still feeling shafted? Working longer hours, for less money. Higher rents, energy...

There's a reason why ! You are not hardworking, no. Mr Cameron didn't lie, he would help, but he won't because you are not a hard worker. 

 UK employees are far less productive than the average for other G7 nations in 2012, figures released by the ONS reveal. UK output was 19% worse than the average for the rest of the G7.

So there we have it.  Mr Cameron's words are true; he'll give help to the hardworking, but as we're not, (he has the stats to prove we're not working hard enough) we can all be buggered, with honesty.

1 comment:

  1. Never thought of it like that; Cameron an honest man!
